Newsletter No. 87, November 2005 |
- Notes from the Editor - Christine Jones
- Views from the HEAD Chair -
Roger Blandford
- HEAD in the NEWS - Ilana Harrus, Christopher
Wanjek and Megan Watzke
- Constellation-X Town Hall Meeting at AAS -
January 9 2005
- Chandra X-ray Observatory Operations
Report - Roger Brissenden (SAO) and Martin Weisskopf (MSFC)
- XMM-Newton Mission News - Stefan Immler
and Phil Plait
- INTEGRAL Mission News - Christoph Winkler
- RHESSI Mission News - David Smith
- Swift Mission News - Christopher Wanjek,
Phil Plait and Lynn Cominsky
- HETE Mission News - George Ricker
- RXTE News - Padi Boyd, Jean Swank, Craig
Markwardt, Tod Strohmayer
- Suzaku Mission News - Richard Kelley for
the Suzaku team
- GLAST Mission News - Christopher Wanjek,
Phil Plait and Lynn Cominsky
- Meeting Announcements:
- HEAD Division Meeting - (October 4 -
7, 2006, San Francisco, CA)
- Supernova and Gamma Ray Burst Remnants
(February 6 - 10, 2006, UC Santa Barbara, CA)
- 36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly and
Associated Events (16 - 23 July, 2006, Beijing, China)
- Neutrino 2006 (13 - 19 June, 2006,
Santa Fe, NM)
- Heating and Cooling in Galaxies and
Clusters of Galaxies (6 - 11 August 2006, Garching, Germany)
- Bethe Centennial Symposium on Astrophysics
(2 - 3 June, 2006, Cornell, NY)
- The Multicoloured Landscape of Compact
Objects and their Explosive Origins: Theory vs. Observations
(11 - 24 June, Cefalu', Sicily)
- Texas In Australia (11-15 December, 2006,
Melbourne, Australia)
- 6th INTEGRAL Workshop -- The Obscured
Universe (2 - 8 July, 2006, St. Petersburg, Russia)
- 6th International Conference on High
Energy Density Laboratory Astrophysics (11 - 14 March, 2006, Houston, Texas)
- High Resolution X-Ray Spectroscopy:
Towards XEUS and CON-X (27 - 28 March, 2006, Mullard Space
Science Laboratory, England)
- SWIFT and GRBs: Unveiling the
Relativistic Universe (5 - 9 June, 2006, Venice, Italy)
- Physics and Astrophysics of Supermassive
Black-Holes (9 - 14 July, 2006, Santa Fe, NM)
- Constellation-X Mission Facility Science
Team - Open Meeting (15-16 February, 2006, Cambridge, MA)
- Statistical and Applied Mathematical
Sciences Institute - Spring 2006 Program on Astrostatistics
(18 - 25 January, 2006, Research Tiangle Park, NC)
- 4th International X-Ray Astronomy School
(web proceedings)
- Chandra Calibration Workshop - 2005 (web proceedings)

from the Editor - Christine Jones, HEAD Secretary-Treasurer,
headsec@aas.org, 617-495-7137
HEAD only delivers the table-of-contents for HEADNEWS into your mailbox.
The newsletter itself can be found online at
At the January AAS meeting, there will be special HEAD sessions on
Very High Energy Astrophysics and Dark Energy, Stan Woosely will give
the Rossi Prize Lecture on The Supernova Gamma-Ray Burst Connection on
Wednesday January 11 4:30-5:20, and there will be a one-hour
Constellation-X Town Hall Lunch Meeting, Monday January 9 (see
newsletter item 4).
A reminder that the next HEAD DIVISION MEETING will be held in San
Francisco from Wednesday October 4 through Saturday October 7, 2006.
Please mark your calendars!
Nominations are being solicited for the upcoming HEAD elections for
three new members of the HEAD Executive committee and a new Vice
The nominating committee of Greg Madejski, Chryssa Kouveliotou, and
Matthew Baring expects to have a slate of candidates by January 1,
so please send them any suggestions as soon as possible. The election
will be held in January.
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2. Views from the HEAD Chair - Roger Blandford
Much has happened since I took over from Josh Grindlay as chair of
HEAD, nearly two years ago. Scientifically, it has been as exciting as
ever. The successfully-launched Swift satellite was greeted, almost
immediately, with a giant, magnetar explosion. Suzaku, despite the
tragic loss of the XRS, is performing well and promises much. Great
progress has been made on sorting out the mysteries of Gamma Ray
Bursts using a flotilla of space- and ground-based telescopes.
Chandra and XMM-Newton have been used to study supernova blast waves,
white dwarf binaries with five minute periods and protostars. They
have discovered fossil radio sources in clusters of galaxies and are
being used to make quantitative, cosmological measurements with
increased precision. High energy astrophysicists have helped elucidate
the stellar content of our Galactic center with implications for all
galactic nuclei. The discoveries of new classes of TeV sources by
H.E.S.S., the early results from Auger and the promise of GLAST,
Amanda, IceCube, NuSTAR, VERITAS, LIGO,and many more facilities remind
us that there are largely unvisited gateways to the Universe waiting
to be explored and discoveries to be made. There is much, much more in
which the community can take pride. The scientific cases for moving
forward with Constellation-X, LISA, JDEM, the Black Hole Finder and
Inflation Probes have only strengthened since they were first selected
out of a much larger suite of possible missions. We will hear all
about this at the AAS, in Washington DC, where there will be special
HEAD sessions on dark energy and TeV astronomy and a Rossi prize
lecture by Stan Woosley.
However, there have also been more ominous developments over the past
two years. The Vision for Space Exploration, announced in January
2004, augmented NASA's portfolio with a bold plan for human
exploration of the Moon and Mars. At the same time, the Beyond
Einstein, Explorer and R & A programs lost funding. Since then, the
NASA leadership has turned over and the Vision has become more
specific. Despite, a sincere promise to protect the science program,
the price of return to flight of the shuttle and the International
Space Station program coupled with political earmarks and the larger
fiscal challenges faced by the federal government will stress the
astrophysics budget for years to come. A further problem is that the
costs of the astronomy missions proposed in the decadal survey,
including those of most interest to HEAD members, have inflated
considerably. I will leave it to others to quantify the true extent of
these increases given full cost accounting and other unforeseen
factors, but it is already likely that painful implementation choices
will have to be made if we wish to have a stable and balanced space
science program. Over the past two years, the HEAD membership has been
quite active defending programs and process. I believe that in the
future, there will be an additional need to face up to these choices
and to forge even stronger links with the rest of the astronomical
community, our international partners and colleagues in physics so as
to increase the support base. Tough compromises in mission design will
probably be necessary and more mid-career scientists will need to take
on leadership roles in major missions. Many of these issues will also
be discussed in Washington.
It remains for me to thank you, and especially the HEAD Executive
Committee, for your support and advice over the past two years. Please
keep sending your views, especially to my successor Steve Murray!
With every best wish for the holiday season,
Roger Blandford
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3. HEAD in the News
- Ilana Harrus (HEAD Press Officer),
Christopher Wanjek, (EUD Science Writer),
and Megan Watzke, Chandra Press Officer
Major items in the News:
In terms of newspaper column inches per satellite mission cost, likely
no satellite has earned more news coverage than Swift. Since the last
HEAD newsletter, Swift has had several big stories. In May Swift
detected for the first time the afterglow of a short gamma-ray burst.
The Swift team speculated this was from a compact merger, a story
covered by the AP, BBC and all the popular science magazines. By July
Swift captured another short burst. This observation, combined with a
HETE observation, was the subject of a Nature cover story and NASA
press conference in October. This second merger announcement garnered
widespread media attention, including a lengthy article in the New
York Times front section.
Earlier, in September, Swift scored an even bigger hit with the
detection of "the most distant explosion," a gamma-ray burst at
redshift 6.29. This was covered by essentially every newspaper in the
United States, including a lengthy page-three Washington Post article.
There was radio and some television coverage as well, such as CNN,
Voice of America and multiple NPR programs. Swift had a surprise news
hit with the Deep Impact event. Swift was the first to report
observations of comet Tempel 1, first in UV then in X-ray. A minor
but respectable story for Swift in August was the detection of
multiple bursting (in X ray) for many gamma-ray bursts, perhaps from a
newly formed black hole sloppily gorging on material. The story was
covered in the popular science magazines but also BBC and MSNBC.
Since the last edition of the HEAD Newsletter, there have been six
Chandra press releases and an additional seven new images (N132D,
Trumpler 14, SN 1987A, 47 Tuc, Saturn's rings, multi-wavelength Cas A,
Comet Tempel 1) disseminated to the press and public.
Chandra was mentioned extensively in association to events for which
no press release was issued by the observatory among them 1) Return to
Flight (as Eileen Collins was the commander for both the latest
Shuttle mission as well as STS-93 that launched Chandra) and 2) Deep
Impact (regularly mentioned along with Hubble, Spitzer and several
other observatories as having an "eye" on the event).
One big Chandra story was also the most recent: a result, published in
the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, on a novel mode
of star formation that happens closer to the black hole at the center
of our galaxy than previously thought possible. This result was
covered by the Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Orlando Sentinel,
and picked up by the wires (Associated Press, Reuters, United Press
International, Agence France Press) to appear in the press across the
nation (Ventura County Star, Buffalo News...) and worldwide (Canada,
China, India...). Coverage was also noted on New Scientist, Voice of
America, CBC News, Universe Today, ABC News, MSNBC.com, Innovations
Report, Science Daily, Spotlighting News, All Headline News. Plus, 13
local affiliates (NBC, ABC, CBS) ran broadcast stories, as did
Headline News (CNN).
ESA's press office put out a press release for an early XMM-Newton
observation of comet Tempel 1 just after its rendezvous with Deep
Impact. They beat the east coast news deadline and got into the New
York Times as a result. The biggest XMM-Newton news story was the
discovery that SN 1979C is as bright in X rays today as it was decades
ago. The beautiful image of M100 alone was enough to get press.
Space.Com wins the best headline award with "Shine On You Crazy
Diamond." Another story (in the November Sky & Tel) was a follow-up
to a big story from January: clocking matter racing around Markarian
The big INTEGRAL story in the last six months was about the discovery
(with Swift and RXTE helping) of a highly absorbed neutron star,
dubbed the "shy" star because it took three satellites to see it.
This was a minor hit in Europe with a four-minute piece on Swiss
television, among other hits. Discovery of a fast-spinning binary
X-ray pulsar (with RXTE) made USA Today and European papers. INTEGRAL
is another potential news-maker if only press officers are made aware
of results.
The successful launch of the Astro-E2, renamed Suzaku, by the Japanese
Space Agency (JAXA) was covered by the press from all around the
world. The story got attention in the US because of the presence
on-board of a NASA instrument, the coldest ever to fly in space, built
to provide high-resolution spectroscopy. The syndicated story was
covered by more than 100 newspapers from all around the world. In the
US, the Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, San Jose Mercury News,
MSNBC, USA Today, Chicago Tribune, San Francisco Chronicles, Miami
Herald, and many more covered the story.
For more news on the Suzaku mission, read the "Missions updates" in
this issue of the HEAD newsletter.
The Argentina-based Auger cosmic ray observatory generated a feature
article now and then, particularly in June with the announcement of a
second site planned for Colorado. The gamma-ray burst "compact
merger" story was as much a HETE story as it was Swift. RXTE had a
minor hit in July with the detection of oscillations from the giant
December 2004 magnetar flare; the idea was that it is possible to do
"star seismology." Three high-energy projects made Popular Science's
list of top-ten "next big things" -- IceCube (3), LISA (6), and
Constellation-X (10). This has been the international year of Albert
Einstein. Both the genius himself and the NASA Beyond Einstein
program (with LISA and Constellation-X) have been featured in many
magazine and newspaper stories, including an eight-page feature on
Beyond Einstein in the October issue of Astronomy. Also, high-energy
astronomy is the subject of every Armchair Astrophysics column in
Mercury magazine (and there is a very good reason for this...).
We also note:
Science Daily (October 17, 2005): With only about two months delay,
report of the first light from XIS on-board Suzaku
Cern Courier (October 2005): Article (AstroWatch) on SWIFT and some of
its discoveries, focusing on GRB050502B, a burst that had an post-GRB
X-ray flare releasing as much energy as the burst itself.
Newark Star Ledger, Space Daily, UPI, PhysOrg.com, Innovations Report,
Science Daily, RedNova.com, Universe Today, Spaceflight Now, Monsters
and Critics.com (September 22, 2005): A Chandra study of the Tycho SNR
that supports evidence for shock acceleration of cosmic rays -
PhysOrg.com (September 15, 2005): Article on the INTEGRAL view of the
Galactic Center -
Pittsburgh Post Gazette (September 5, 2005): Optical follow-up with
SALT of clusters of galaxies discovered by XMM-Newton.
PhysOrg.com (August 31, 2005): XMM-Newton analysis of RXCJ0658.5-5556 -
NewScientist.com (August 10, 2005): Short GRB with SWIFT and HETE-II -
Natural History Magazine, Yahoo News, Spaceflight Now, Innovations
Report, RedNova.com, YubaNet, Science Daily, Universe Today, Science
Daily, PhysOrg.com (July 27, 2005): Chandra's survey of nearby stars
solves the neon solar paradox. -
PhysOrg.com, Universe Today (July 21, 2005) & Scientific American
(July 25, 2005): A view of SN1979C, the supernova that just won't fade
away, by XMM-Newton -
Universe Today (July 20, 2005): Report on Chandra observation of 47
BBC news (July 11, 2005): The Beebs finally catches up with the report
on the collision between
the Deep Impact probe and Tempel 1. Report on the XMM-Newton
San Jose Mercury News (July 9, 2005): Summary of observations of the
comet Tempel 1 by all the satellites (XMM-Newton, SWIFT, ..) .
Los Angeles Daily News, San Luis Obispo Tribune, Pasadena Star-News
(July 6, 2005): Report of the probe collision with comet Tempel 1 as
viewed by SWIFT.
New Scientist (July 5, 2005): Announcement of the upcoming Astro-E2
mission and the coldest space instrument set to orbit.
PhysOrg.com, SpaceRef.com, (July 4, 2005) & San Francisco Chronicles
(July 5, 2005): First report of the collision as viewed by XMM-Newton
(ESA beat NASA OPA in this case...). --
PhysOrg.com, KWTX (July 3, 2005): Successful release of the probe on a
collision course with comet Tempel 1.
Register (UK), National Geographic, Xinhua (July 1, 2005):
Announcement of the upcoming Deep Impact mission and the surveillance
by most of the observatories in orbit.
SpaceRef.com (June 14, 2005): Article on the winners of the Astro-E2
competition organized by the EPO group at GSFC
Universe Today(June 8, 2005): Article on detection SN 1970G using
Universe Today(June 2, 2005), Monsters & Critics (Science): Article on
GRB 050509b detected by Swift.
Cern Courier (June 2005): Article (AstroWatch) on the giant GRB of
December 27. 2004
Physorg.com (May 31, 2005): Article an X-ray flash detected by SWIFT
and HETE-2 --
Science Now, Space.com, Lincoln Tribune, CBC Manitoba, Sci-Tech Today,
YubaNet, SciScoop, & Universe Today (May 30, 2005): Chandra studies of
Innovations Reports, PhysOrg.com, & EurekAlert (May 30, 2005): Chandra
observation of NGC 40 --
Science Magazine (May 27, 2005): Article by Schramm award winner
Robert Irion, on a result from the Chandra Orion Ultradeep Project
Space.com, SpaceFlightNow.com, Universe Today, Hindustan Times, India
Daily, Monsters & Critics (Science), Indolink (May 25, 2005): Article
on a study on Chandra's detection for X-rays from Saturn.
National Geographic (May 24, 2005): Article on black holes with
mention of RXTE, Chandra and NuStar
Cern Courier (May 2005): Long Article on IceCube experiment and
Neutrino telescopes
Cern Courier (May 2005): Article (AstroWatch) on HESS sources
List of the press/image releases linked to HEAD
Please see:
for press releases issued in 2005 on subjects linked to the Structure
& Evolution
of the Universe. There is a large overlap with what is presented
October 14, 2005
October 13, 2005
October 5, 2005
October 4, 2005
September 28. 2005
September 22, 2005
September 13, 2005
September 12, 2005
August 31, 2005
August 23, 2005
August 19, 2005
August 18, 2005
July 27, 2005
July 21, 2005
July 13, 2005
July 8. 2005
July 4, 2005
June 30, 2005
June 14, 2005
June 9, 2005
June 6, 2005
May 31, 2005
May 30, 2005
May 25, 2005
And also several Image Releases at:
4. Constellation-X Town Hall Meeting at AAS, Monday Jan 9 2005
This one-hour town hall session during lunch on Monday at the January
AAS meeting will update the community on the Constellation-X (Con-X)
mission. In parallel will be a poster session with over 30 posters
one the science goals and technologies of Con-X.
With more than 100 times the collecting area of any previous
spectroscopic mission operating in the 0.25-40 keV bandpass, Con-X
will enable high-throughput, high spectral resolution studies of
sources ranging from the most luminous accreting supermassive black
holes in the Universe to the disks around young stars where planets
form. Con-X is a key part of NASA's Science Mission Directorate Beyond
Einstein space science program. This mission was ranked first after
JWST among large space missions in the US National Academy of Sciences
McKee-Taylor & Turner Committee reports (Decadal Survey). For more
information, AAS members are encouraged to visit the Con-X website,
This town hall meeting will include presentations on the significant
programmatic and technical advances that been made recently. Time will
be allowed for discussion with the audience. The session will be
chaired by Harvey Tananbaum, Con-X Facility Science Team chair.
Presenting on behalf of the Con-X Project, Facility Science Team, and
Facility Science Team Panels will be:
Mission Update & Status, by Nicholas White, Con-X Project Scientist
This will include a brief update on the Beyond Einstein program and
Con-X's role as a flagship mission. The baseline configuration for
Constellation-X is a set of four telescopes working in unison to
achieve a large collecting area. This configuration is ready to enter
phase A and will be briefly described.
Technology Update: Recent Advances on Optics & Detectors by Michael
Garcia (Science Lead) and Jay Bookbinder (Mission Scientist)
Substantial progress has been made on the SXT and HXT
mirrors. Individual SXT reflectors have been made which meet the 10''
half-power diameter (HPD) requirement. The system error budget has
been reevaluated to look for improvements, and work on further
improving the reflectors towards the system goal of 5'' HPD is
continuing. Individual Hard X-ray Telescope (10-40 keV) mirrors which
are close to meeting the 30'' HPD goal have been made. Progress on
the X-ray calorimeter, the gratings, CCD readouts, and and the hard
X-ray CdZnTe detectors has also been significant and will be briefly
described. This includes an update on the extensive work on a
possible off-plane grating configuration which may offer some new
Update to the Constellation-X Science Case by Ann Hornschemeier
(Deputy Project Scientist) & Michael Garcia (Science Lead)
During late 2004 and early 2005, a large team of astrophysicists
worked to produce an update to the Constellation-X science case. The
result is a 45-page booklet, outlining the important scientific
questions for the decade following this one and describes the areas
where Con-X is going to have a major impact. This presentation
provides highlights from the updated science case, including the
exploration of the space-time geometry of black holes spanning nine
orders of magnitude in mass and the nature of the dark energy and dark
matter which govern the expansion and ultimate fate of the Universe.
Con-X will also explore processes referred to as "cosmic feedback"
whereby mechanical energy, radiation, and chemical elements from star
formation and black holes are returned to interstellar and
intergalactic medium. Con-X will also probe all the important life
cycles of matter, from stellar and planetary birth to stellar death
via supernova to stellar endpoints in the form of accreting binaries
and supernova remnants.
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5. Chandra X-ray Observatory Operations Report - Roger
Brissenden (Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory) and
Martin Weisskopf (Marshall Space Flight Center)
Chandra passed its 6th year of operations in July with continued
excellent spacecraft and science instrument performance. As we enter
the the sixth year of the mission, Chandra continues without major
anomalies and maintains significant long-term reserves of consumables.
Operations highlights: Chandra completed the 2005 summer eclipse
season in July and a lunar eclipse in October with nominal power and
thermal performance, and had uneventful passages through the Perseid
and Draconid meteor showers in August and October. A flight software
patch was uplinked in June to to prepare for the use of HRC as a
radiation detector in place of the EPHIN detector. The lifetime of the
EPHIN is limited by temperature and it is beginning to exceed its
limits as thermal insulation degrades. A second software patch was
uplinked in June to modify the onboard radiation safing software to
improve the spacecraft safing response in light of new thermal
constraints for observations at high pitch angles. Measurements of
the aspect camera's dark current show a nominal trend of increase in
the number of warm pixels but the performance continues to be
There have been no major anomalies in the last six months and Chandra
has now gone for 5.8 years without a safe mode. A unexpected radiation
safing event was experienced in August that was traced to a
low-probability code condition involving the reading of a stale data
frame. As a result of the event, the low energy grating was left in a
partially inserted state and was retracted to its stowed position
through real-time commanding. An operational work-around has been
implemented to mitigate future occurrences of the such a condition.
The observing schedule was interrupted 4 times in the last six months
due to high solar activity, which contributed to an overall observing
efficiency of 61%, compared with the maximum possible efficiency of
~70%. Thermal constraints limiting the duration that Chandra can spend
at certain pitch angles to the Sun contributed approximately 3% of the
reduction in efficiency. The schedule was also re-planned 4 times to
accommodate fast turn-around Target of Opportunity (TOO) observations,
with response times ranging from 1-3 days.
Both the ACIS and HRC focal plane instruments have continued to
operate well overall. ACIS experienced a threshold crossing plane
latch-up that was cleared using A standard procedure. The ACIS Digital
Electronics Processor also turned off unexpectedly in an event similar
to two cases earlier in the mission related to the Digital Processing
Electronics, and is thought to have been caused by a single event
upset induced by charged particles. the decision was made to defer
consideration of a bakeout of ACIS to remove contaminant believed to
be present on the ACIS Optical Blocking Filter as the potential for
worsening the situation might exceed the chance of removing the
The processing, archiving and distribution of Chandra data has
continued without issue, and the average time from target observation
to distribution of data has been reduced from about 3 days to
approximately 1 day. The archive continues to grow at ~0.5 TB per
year, with data retrievals remaining at ~200 to ~400 GB per month.
The Operations Control Center (OCC) ground team has completed their
work on testing the port of the ground system from the Silicon
Graphics to Linux operating systems and is planning on transitioning
to operations with the new system at the end of November. An
Operations Readiness Review will be held on November 17 and will
provide the approval needed to proceed. The OCC underwent an interface
change in July when the prime data interface to the Deep Space Network
at JPL migrated from a link through Goddard Space Flight Center to a
direct network link to JPL.
The Science Data System team released version 7.6 of the CXC Data
System in support of the Cycle 7 peer review and CIAO 3.3.2 in June,
and a number of releases of the data system in support of the upcoming
re-processing of all Chandra data.
The Chandra Press Office released 11 press releases and 6 image
releases during the last 6 months, including a NASA media telecon in
October that described a novel mode of star formation associated with
The Cycle 7 peer review was held in Boston during June 21-23 and the
cost review is now nearing completion. Award letters are expected to
be sent in November. Following discussion with the Chandra User
Committee, we have decided to provide the option of a two year period
of performance to all grant holders (at present this option is
available only for grants over $100,000). The Cycle 8 Call for
Proposals is planned for mid-December. Other recent activities include
a workshop on Star Formation held in July, the 4th X-ray astronomy
school held in Cambridge in August, the Chandra Fellows Symposium and
Chandra User Committee meeting held in October, and the annual
Calibration workshop held in conjunction with the 6-year Symposium in
As we write, the Six Years of Science with Chandra symposium is
underway here in Boston with a stunning array of papers, posters and
science results highlighting the mission's success so far.
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6. XMM-Newton Mission News - Stefan Immler (NASA/GSFC) and
Phil Plait (Sonoma State)
With approximately 5,000 scientific observations performed and a
thousand publications in refereed articles published to date,
XMM-Newton continues to be an outstanding X-ray observatory. Apart
from the loss of MOS1 CCD6 in March 2005, likely caused by a
micro-meteoroid impact scattering debris into the focal plane, all
instruments are in good health status.
The release of the Science Analysis System (SAS) 6.5 in August 2005
incorporated several EPIC calibration upgrades and an improved
cross-calibration between all EPIC instruments. The possibility of
combining RGS spectra and response matrices has been added; the source
detection for both the EPIC and OM were revised, especially related to
extended sources and to the presence of stray-light artifacts in OM
images; and several metatasks for the EPIC instruments were upgraded.
In July 2005, the online XMM-Newton Science Archive (XSA) was upgraded
to version 2.8 and several improvements were made and new facilities
added. The XMM-Newton AO5 call for observing proposals was closed on
October 14, 2005. We received about 620 proposals. The strong
interest of the community in XMM-Newton and the high quality of the
data and results was demonstrated during the "X-Ray Universe 2005"
symposium, hosted by ESA in El Escorial, Spain, from September 26-30,
2005. Approximately 150 invited, review and contributed talks were
given, and more than 200 posters were presented at this well-attended
For more information about XMM-Newton, please visit the US Guest
Observer Facility pages at
XMM-Newton EPO
The Creative Laboratory Explorations in Astronomy (CLEA) exercise
"Dying Stars and the Birth of the Elements" is currently undergoing
testing by the external reviewers, and we expect the results in early
November. We will incorporate the review into a final version of the
exercise which will then be ready for distribution. The exercise is
available online at
for review.
The Supernova Educator Unit, being produced in conjunction with GLAST
E/PO) is nearing completion of the alpha version. All three activities
have been written and are in the editing process. The poster is being
laid out, and features an optical, X-ray, and gamma-ray view of a
supernova remnant (SNR), with a brief discussion of the physics and
processes behind them. An illustrated timeline of the evolution of an
SNR wraps around the poster as well. The back of the poster will have
more details about the different views on the front, the timeline, and
a description of why stars explode. We expect the alpha version of the
unit to be ready for testing by December. We have made 2500 foam
"Earth balls" which will be used to demonstrate magnetic fields in
pulsars as part of the Supernova Educator Unit as well. A neodymium
("rare-earth") magnetic can be placed inside the ball to mimic a
pulsar. These will be used at local and national educator conferences
and distributed to participants. More information about these
materials is located at
We are developing a sky show and series of activities to be used in
portable planetaria. The show will compare and contrast the sky as
seen in optical and X-rays, and the activities will introduce young
(grades 5-10) students to X-ray astronomy. This show was originally
designed to be used with the Learning Technologies Inc. (LTI)
"StarLab", an analog planetarium. However, we are investigating making
the show digital. This will greatly expand the audience, since digital
portable planetaria are gaining ground over analog facilities. This
will also allow us to use images of selected objects to compare in
optical and X-rays, as well as use animations. The original, analog
show is in the testing phase, and has been submitted to LTI for
evaluation. The conversion process to digital is under analysis. The
activities and educators guide have been written.
During FY05, XMM-Newton Educator Ambassadors and E/PO professionals
disseminated educational materials and XMM-Newton content through 18
different workshops, lectures and/or conferences. These presentations
reached over 2830 participants directly and over 5400 indirectly.
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7. INTEGRAL News - Christoph Winkler
The second of ESA's medium-sized missions within the "Horizon 2000"
programme, INTEGRAL was launched from Baikonur cosmodrome on 17
October 2002. Operations were initially approved for a period of 2.2
years, which was later extended. This ESA-led mission includes
contributions from Russia (Proton launcher) and NASA (Goldstone ground
station). The mission is successfully delivering medium- to
high-spatial and spectral resolution observations in the 15 keV
to 10 MeV energy range, as well as providing simultaneous X-ray (3-35
keV) and V-band optical monitoring. The performance is much as
predicted before launch and compares very favourably with previous
The majority of INTEGRAL observing time is available to the general
astronomical community via calls for proposals (AO). The fourth call
(AO-4) is scheduled for release on 13 March 2006 with a proposal
submission deadline of 21 April 2006. The AO-4 observing cycle (12
months) will commence on 17 August 2006.
Between December 2002 and September 2005 INTEGRAL results have been
reported in 120 refereed and 290 non-refereed publications. A
selection of recent scientific highlights includes:
The galactic centre
The galactic centre region is one of the prime targets for INTEGRAL
since it harbours many compact objects, sources of diffuse emission as
well as a three million solar mass black hole, which is surprisingly
weak at high energies.
The centre of our Galaxy was observed with the INTEGRAL imager
(IBIS/ISGRI) in the energy range above 20 keV. A new source
coincident with the galactic nucleus Sgr A* (believed to be the
counterpart of the massive black hole) to within 0.9 arc minutes was
detected at energies up to 120 keV. The 20-120 keV luminosity is only
5e35 erg s-1, approximately 8 orders of magnitude lower than
expected from a maximally accreting black hole of this
mass. Contemporaneous XMM-Newton and INTEGRAL observations did not
detect any significant variability. This new INTEGRAL source is the
first report of persistent hard X-ray emission from within the central
10 arc minutes of the Galaxy and there is a distinct possibility that
we are seeing hard X-ray emission from the massive black hole at the
centre of our Galaxy for the first time. These measurements are
providing new insights into the broadband spectra of massive, weakly
accreting, black holes.
Is it possible that Sgr A* was much brighter in the past? This
hypothesis has been tested using scattering of past X-rays by
molecular clouds. INTEGRAL observations of the molecular cloud Sgr B2
revealed for the first time this source at energies above 20 keV. The
observed hard X-ray continuum, a hard power-law with a photon index of
1.8, together with a cut-off at energies above 100 keV and a strong
fluorescence line at 6.4 keV, as observed by ASCA, were used to model
the input spectrum of Sgr A* which is then similar to a low luminosity
active galactic nucleus (AGN). It was concluded that about 350 years
ago (corresponding to the light travel time between Sgr A* and Sgr B2)
Sgr A* was about 10,000 times more luminous than it is today. This
conclusion is supported by the observation that the 6.4 keV line has
remained stable over the last 10 years, excluding any close stellar
transient X-ray binary as the illuminating source.
Diffuse Gamma-ray line emission
The galactic centre is also a region where the annihilation of
electrons with their anti-matter equivalents, positrons, takes
place. This annihilation produces a Gamma-ray line with an energy of
keV through direct annihilation and continuum emission at lower
energies following the formation and decay of positronium. INTEGRAL's
spectrometer (SPI) has provided the first all-sky map of the 511 keV
emission. The sky distribution is very smooth and almost symmetrical
(with a full width at half maximum (FWHM) of 8 deg) and centred on the
galactic centre itself. There is only a very weak disk component
present which can be explained by the decay of radioactive 44Ti and
26Al. The luminosity ratio between the bulge and disk - derived from
the annihilation rates - is between 3 and 9 and imposes very severe
constraints on the sources of the positrons. Surprisingly, the 511 keV
line sky distribution cannot be reconciled with that of any of the
likely sources of the positrons such as the winds of massive stars,
type Ia supernovae, cosmic rays interacting with the interstellar
medium (ISM) or the regions around black holes or neutron stars. One
intriguing possibility, consistent with the INTEGRAL results, is that
the emission is produced following the annihilation of an exotic form
of Dark Matter. The earlier CGRO/OSSE observations of a high latitude
enhancement to the 511 keV distribution, tentatively attributed to a
(local?) 'fountain' of anti-matter can be clearly excluded.
Deep observations of the galactic centre region have also provided a
high quality spectrum around the 511 keV line. The line profile
provides stringent constraints on the physical environment of the
annihilation region in the interstellar medium. The observed line is
un-shifted with an energy of 510.954 +/- 0.075 keV and a FWHM of 2.37
0.25 keV. The line parameters are consistent with annihilation in a
warm (8000 K), mildly ionized, single-phase, ISM. Future observations
are expected to concentrate on understanding better the weak galactic
plane component and on determining the spatial distribution of the ISM
properties so constraining the distribution of the positron sources
and positron transport in the Galaxy.
Photons from the radioactive decay of 26Al (1808.65 keV) are a key
tracer for star formation as 26Al is produced during nucleosynthesis
in massive stars. The line has been observed by INTEGRAL at high
significance in the inner Galaxy. For the first time,
spatially-resolved spectroscopy at sub-keV precision could be
performed, and showed small energy shifts consistent with Galactic
rotation. This demonstrates the inner-Galaxy origin for the 26Al
emission. Galaxy-wide interpretation of the measured gamma-ray
intensity thus yields the total amount of 26Al in the Galaxy. Using
current massive-star nucleosynthesis models, this measurement
represents an independent estimate of the Galactic core collapse
supernova rate. Another region of interest is the Cygnus region, an
area of very active star formation. There, the 26Al line is moderately
broadened (with a FWHM of 3.3 keV corresponding to a velocity of 550
km s-1), and much broader than in the inner Galaxy (1.2 keV FWHM),
which reflects the kinematics of the star forming region in the 26Al
ejecta. Future studies are expected to concentrate on detailed mapping
of the 26Al "hot spots" and refining the distances to the sources of
the emission by measuring the Doppler shifts due to galactic rotation.
Recently, line emission from the decay of 60Fe has been detected by
INTEGRAL. 60Fe is another product of nucleosynthesis during the
end-points of stellar life. The fluxes are (3.7 +/- 1.1) 10-5 photons
cm-2 s-1 for lines at 1.17 and 1.33 MeV. Current nucleosynthesis
models for massive stars predict that copious amounts of 60Fe are
produced so that the expected line flux ratio from 60Fe and 26Al
should be larger than Fe/Al ~ 0.4. The value measured by INTEGRAL of
0.11 +/- 0.03 is however inconsistent with the expected value. This
implies that core collapse supernovae may not be the dominant sources
of galactic 26Al and other sources prior to collapse (such as winds
from Wolf-Rayet stars) may play a role. This is a key question to be
addressed by future INTEGRAL mapping which will hopefully discriminate
between the source populations responsible for the production of the
26Al and 60Fe.
Diffuse Galactic Continuum Emission
INTEGRAL has solved a key problem concerning the contribution of
discrete point sources to the galactic diffuse soft Gamma-ray
background. Before INTEGRAL, it was difficult to separate point
sources and the diffuse component at hard X-ray energies. Previous
observations by Sigma and CGRO/OSSE showed that around 50% of the
50-500 keV galactic emission originated from point sources. It was
then difficult to assign the remaining 50% to soft Gamma-ray diffuse
emission processes such as inverse Compton scattering or
bremsstrahlung. The inverse Compton scattering of GeV cosmic ray
electrons would - due to the large number of electrons required -
produce radio-synchrotron emission at a much higher level than
observed. Bremsstrahlung of few 100 keV electrons in the interstellar
medium would require a total cosmic-ray luminosity of ~1043 erg s-1,
which is comparable to the total cosmic-ray luminosity of the
Galaxy. Such an intense flux would affect the interstellar medium
ionisation equilibrium and give rise to an excessive dissociation of
the interstellar molecules.
With its superior ability to see faint and fine details, INTEGRAL
revealed that individual sources comprise most of the (10-200) keV
soft Gamma-ray background that was seen by previous observatories. The
brightest 91 objects identified by INTEGRAL as individual sources
almost entirely account for the diffuse emission observed by previous
instruments leaving only a minor role for the continuum processes
described above.
Galactic Compact sources
The discovery by INTEGRAL of a new class of highly absorbed X-ray
binary sources which had escaped detection by other missions at lower
energies was unexpected. These objects are characterized by very hard
spectra at high energies and strong photoelectric absorption, most
likely caused by the stellar wind and accreting material from the
companion star below a few keV. From spectroscopic observations these
objects are most probably high-mass X-ray binaries, many of which are
located in the Scutum and Norma spiral arms.
Another surprise was the detection by INTEGRAL of very hard emission
from anomalous X-ray pulsars (AXPs). Before INTEGRAL, these systems
were known to be young pulsars with soft spectra and very strong
magnetic fields of order 1015 G. INTEGRAL showed for the first time
that AXP spectra are surprisingly hard at energies above 10-20
keV. The hard spectra most probably indicate a magnetospheric origin,
i.e. they are not powered by the spin-down mechanism. In order to be
consistent with higher energy observations by CGRO, these spectra must
show a break, or bend, at higher energies, to be detected by INTEGRAL
in future observations.
The high-energy sky is highly variable and many sources show a strong
transient behaviour. INTEGRAL has performed 24 "Target of Opportunity"
observations so far. A key discovery was the detection of IGR
J00291+5934, the fastest known accreting millisecond pulsar with a
spin period of only 1.67 ms. This pulsar may provide the missing link
between radio pulsars (with spin period of seconds) and the isolated,
much more rapidly spinning, millisecond radio pulsars which are
believed to be spun-up by mass accretion. For IGR J00291+5934,
INTEGRAL showed for the first time that pulsed emission exists up to
high energies (~150 keV). The high-energy spectrum can be modelled by
thermal Comptonisation in a 40 keV plasma, where the seed photons
originate from the polar cap, consistent with the observation of a
sinusoidal modulation at high energies. Moreover, the INTEGRAL results
reveal for the first time that the pulsed spectrum becomes very hard
at high energies and the ratio of the pulsed to total flux also
increases with energy, which may result from relativistic Doppler
Active galactic nuclei
AGN are important targets for INTEGRAL and of the 209 sources in the
second IBIS soft Gamma-ray catalogue, 33 are extragalactic. The inner
regions of AGN consist of a supermassive black hole surrounded by
accreting matter. Using INTEGRAL and XMM-Newton, more evidence has
been found that supermassive black holes are surrounded by a
doughnut-shaped gas cloud, or torus. Depending on our line of sight,
the torus can block the view to the black hole in the centre. Looking
"edge on" into this doughnut for NGC 4388, it is possible to see
features never before revealed with such clarity. For example, some of
the Gamma-rays produced close to the black hole are absorbed by iron
in the torus and are re-emitted at a lower energy, proof of seeing
"reprocessed" light farther out. Also, because of the line of sight
towards NGC 4388, we know this iron is in the torus in the same plane
as the accretion disk, and not from gas clouds "above" or "below" the
accretion disk.
Gamma-ray bursts
INTEGRAL observes about one Gamma-ray burst (GRB) each month as a
serendipitous source in the large field of view. An automatic software
system on-ground detects the GRB within seconds and automatically
alerts the world-wide science community, allowing crucial follow-up
observations at other wavelength. Due to this service, a GRB which
occurred on 3 December 2003 has been thoroughly studied by INTEGRAL
and an armada of space and ground-based observatories. It has been
concluded that this event, GRB 031203, is the closest cosmic Gamma-ray
burst on record, but also the faintest. This important detection
suggests that a large population of sub-energetic Gamma-ray bursts
that has so far gone unnoticed, prior to INTEGRAL.
6th INTEGRAL workshop
Preparations have begun to organize the 6th INTEGRAL workshop `The
Obscured Universe' which will take place from 2 - 8 July 2006 in
St. Petersburg, Russia. The workshop will be associated with the the
XIth Marcel Grossmann meeting
http://www.icra.it/MG/mg11). It is
planned, that the Marcel Grossmann meeting and INTEGRAL workshop will
have a joint opening session in Tavricheskiy Palace, two joint
scientific sessions, a common broad cultural programme and a common
conference dinner. The workshop is being jointly co-sponsored by ESA
and IKI.
Information on workshop registration and hotel booking, instructions
for authors and kits for the preparation of abstracts (including
examples) will be made available in due time via the Local Organizing
The deadline for receipt of abstracts is 01 March 2006
The scientific programme will cover:
X-ray binaries (IGR sources, black-hole candidates, neutron stars)
Isolated neutron stars, pulsars, physics of compact objects
Nucleosynthesis (supernovae and supernova remnants, gamma-ray line
Surveys and extragalactic sources, unidentified sources
Gamma-ray bursts and soft gamma-repeaters
INTEGRAL status and instrument overviews (invited talks only)
Science data processing and analysis (posters only)
Future instruments and missions (posters only)
The second circular will be available in January 2006.
INTEGRAL Spacecraft and instrument status
The overall mission status is very satisfactory. At the current rate
of use, the on-board fuel is sufficient for more than 15 years. No
unexpected degradation in the solar array or battery performance is
evident and there has been no loss of redundancy of any spacecraft
system. There is sufficient power margin to allow operations through a
large range of Sun angles (~40 deg) for the foreseeable future
for flexible scheduling. The pointing stability and slewing accuracy
comfortably exceed requirements.
The instruments are performing well with only minor anomalies. The
spectrometer, SPI, experienced detector failures in 2003 December and
2004 July. Operations with the remaining 17 (from the original 19)
detectors results in, to first order, a 10% reduction in observing
efficiency. At first of these failures were thought to be linked to
the annealing procedure -- the regular thermal cycling of the SPI --
-- detectors which is necessary to mitigate the effects of radiation
damage and maintain the outstanding (1 part in 500) energy
resolution. However, intensive ground investigations failed to
establish a clear link and two subsequent annealing cycles have been
performed without further loss, so the cause of the failures remains
uncertain. In addition, one of the 91 sets of redundant read-out
chains of SPI's anti-coincidence system failed in August 2003, but the
remaining part of the redundant chain provides full
functionality. Finally, only one of the two identical X-ray monitor
units is routinely operated to reduce the effects of aging and enable
the instrument to achieve its science goals for at least another 5
In-flight the INTEGRAL payload provides a positional accuracy
approximately twice that of Sigma/Granat, the Gamma-ray instrument
the best positional accuracy flown previously. However, the continuum
sensitivity is more than an order of magnitude better than that of
Sigma, opening up whole new areas of scientific investigation. Whilst
the INTEGRAL continuum sensitivity is comparable to those of the
instruments on CGRO, INTEGRAL has significantly better spatial
resolution with the obvious scientific benefits that this brings. The
only mission with comparable spectral resolution than INTEGRAL was the
non-imaging instrument on HEAO-3 which had a correspondingly much
(factor ~100) lower sensitivity. The INTEGRAL narrow line sensitivity
is around a factor 2 to 4 (depending on energy) less than stated in
the first call for proposals (published in 2001) due to the induced
background being higher than predicted. This sensitivity is still
comparable to that achieved with CGRO, which had much lower spectral
and spatial resolutions. The Hard X-ray Detector on the recently
launched Suzaku mission covers a lower energy range than the main
INTEGRAL instruments with a factor 3 (pre-launch) better sensitivity,
but without any imaging capabilities. The Burst Alert Telescope on
the NASA Swift mission uses similar technology as the INTEGRAL imager
to provide a factor 2 better survey sensitivity (due to a larger field
of view) than the INTEGRAL imager, but with a factor 3 less
sensitivity for individual sources.
In summary, the combination of INTEGRAL's excellent spacecraft and
instruments provide a unique combination of outstanding line
sensitivity, spectral resolution, and imaging capability to give an
unprecedented capability in Gamma-ray astronomy.
Ground segment status
INTEGRAL operations are carried out at the Mission Operations Centre
(MOC) at ESOC, Germany, the Science Operations Centre (ISOC) at ESAC,
Spain, and the Science Data Centre (ISDC), in Versoix,
Switzerland. For most of the 72-hour orbit, INTEGRAL uses the ESA
provided Redu ground station in Belgium, supplemented by the NASA
provided Goldstone station, when necessary due to visibility
considerations. The instrument teams play a major role in the overall
ground segment, being responsible for instrument on-board software
maintenance and for providing instrument specific software and
calibration updates to the ISDC for integration into the overall
software system and distribution to the community.
The ISDC developed pipeline processing provides scientific data
products which are routinely distributed to observers within 8 weeks
of their observation. These products are also used to populate the
on-line INTEGRAL scientific archive and are made public one year after
receipt of the data by the observer. Off-line scientific analysis
software (OSA) and support is also provided by the ISDC to observers
who wish to perform their own, more extensive, data
reduction. Recently, version 5 of the OSA has been made available with
much improved capabilities and features. ISOC has opened the ESA
public archive of INTEGRAL data in July.
Mission extension
Initially planned to operate nominally for 26 months after launch
(i.e. until Dec 2004), INTEGRAL is now in the extended mission
phase. A further two years extension until 2008 (and earmarking the
estimated costs for another two years until 2010) has recently been
recommended by ESA's scientific advisory committees to be approved by
ESA's Science Programme Committee in November 2005.
Up-to-date information on the mission including long-and short-term
observing schedules can be found at
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8. RHESSI Mission News - David M. Smith, U. C. Santa Cruz
The Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI)
continues healthy. Radiation damage continues to degrade the
germanium detectors for purposes of gamma-ray line spectroscopy
(narrow-line sensitivity at 2.2 MeV is about half what it was at
launch), but the hard x-ray response to solar flares remains
excellent. Annealing the detectors to repair most of the damage will
take place when one or more detectors no longer work well in hard
x-rays, probably some time in 2006.
Readers interested in recent RHESSI solar results are encouraged to
look in the Solar Physics E-Print Archive run by Richard Canfield and
Alisdair Davey at Montana State University
Some of the most exciting recent results come from combining RHESSI
hard x-ray movies with observations made at other wavelengths to view
the changes in the low-coronal magnetic field due to reconnection
during a flare. For two good examples, see the preprints by Veronig
et al., "X-ray sources and magnetic reconnection in the X3.9 flare of
2003 November 3" (accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysics) and by Sui,
Holman, and Dennis, "Observation of Loop Connectivity Change in a
Solar Flare Triggered by Loop-Loop Interaction" (submitted to The
Astrophysical Journal).
There will be a workshop dedicated to RHESSI-inspired solar science at
Meudon Observatory outside Paris, April 5-8, 2006. Feel free to
contact David Smith (dsmith (at) scipp.ucsc.edu) for more information
as the workshop approaches.
In June 2005, rather than visiting the Crab Nebula in our annual short
Summer vacation from the Sun, we were fortunate to catch the major
outburst of the transient x-ray pulsar A0535+26. The outburst was
discovered by Swift/BAT (J. Tueller et al. 2005, ATEL 504). Most of
the outburst took place with the Sun so close to the pulsar that only
RHESSI, of all the x-ray missions, was able to take data (ATEL 557).
Papers on spectroscopy and variability analysis of this multi-Crab,
once-in-a-decade outburst are in preparation. Imaging analysis of the
Crab data from previous years is still in progress, and we intend to
resume the annual Crab pointing next year.
RHESSI continues to study the Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes originally
detected by BATSE on CGRO, and the data are now being used by many
groups internationally. The rapid progress in this field will be
summarized by presentations in the Fall AGU meeting in San Francisco
in December in a set of three special sessions on Terrestrial
Gamma-ray Flashes, Relativistic Runaway Breakdown, and Related
Back to Top

9. Swift Mission News - Padi Boyd and Phil Plait
Swift, launched on November 20, 2004, is nearing the end of an
impressive first year, filled with record burst discoveries and
important coordinated observations and targets of opportunity on
objects as broad-ranging as a comet, galactic transients, and
supernovae in nearby galaxies.
Since commencing normal operations on April 5, 2005, Swift has spent
about 60% of its observing time chasing new GRBs and following up
recently detected afterglows. About 10% of the observing time is spent
completing calibration observations, 8% on non-GRB targets of
opportunity, about 15% on other interesting "fill-in" targets and 8%
in SAA cold-pointings (non-science time). Unlike other orbiting
observatories, Swift performs 50-100 observations each day, and has
already performed well over 30,000 slew maneuvers. To date, over 30
scientific papers from the Swift team have either been accepted for
publication, submitted or are being revised for publication.
Along the way, we've learned first hand what 'Poisson' truly
means. From June 7 to July 1, Swift's Burst Alert Telescope (BAT)
detected no new GRBs. After July 1, we had no GRBs until July 12. Then
in the six days following July 12, BAT detected seven new bursts! So
in six weeks, BAT detected eight bursts, but almost all of them were
in a single week. The average rate is very close to the 100 per year
predicted prior to launch.
On September 4, 2005, Swift detected the long faint burst GRB050904
due to a special trigger on Swift that was specifically designed by
David Palmer and Ed Fenimore (LANL) to find distant, high redshift
bursts (which, due to the expansion of the universe, have their burst
profiles expanded and smoothed). Much of the gamma-ray emission in
GRB050904 was redshifted into the X-ray band, and Swift's XRT saw a
strong signal. The afterglow, shifted into the infrared, was
discovered by Daniel Reichart and undergraduate Josh Haislip (UNC)
using the NSF/NOAO 4.1m Southern Observatory for Astrophysical
Research (SOAR) telescope. Subsequent IR observations by Nobuyaki
Kawai from the Tokyo Institute of Technology using the the NAOJ
8.2-meter Subaru telescope led to the redshift estimate of 6.29, the
highest redshift GRB yet observed, at a distance of 12.8 billion light
As discussed in the last Newsletter, Swift is making huge progress in
unraveling the mystery of short bursts. The paper on the localization
of GRB 050509b was published in Nature magazine in conjunction with
papers on the HETE burst GRB 050709. Images of both were featured on
the cover. A paper on the remarkable short burst GRB 050724 has been
accepted by Nature. All evidence points to merging neutron stars as
the origin of short GRBs.
In addition to the BAT bursts, Swift is also re-pointed to observe
HETE-2 and INTEGRAL-discovered bursts whenever feasible. As of October
28, Swift has chased after 91 GRBs.
Swift is typically able to respond autonomously to BAT bursts, and
start XRT and UVOT observations in less than three minutes after the
gamma-ray emission from the burst is detected. In one case we reached
the burst in time to have simultaneous X-ray and gamma-ray
detections. See the Swift website for a table of all Swift GRBs
including BAT T90, XRT fluxes, and UVOT magnitudes as well as
positions from all three instruments at
Swift was also a major player in the follow-up to the Deep Impact
collision with Comet Tempel 1 in July. Swift performed daily
monitoring both before and after the impact (except for a four day
period when the Moon and comet were too close together). Swift
recorded an impressive UV light curve for the comet, and a dramatic
X-ray flare. More details, including animations, can be found at the
following website:
Swift is proving to be a valuable asset for responding to new
supernova discoveries, and we have observed 5 supernovae in the
optical and UV and searched for X-ray flux. Peter Brown (PSU) and
Stephen Holland (GSFC) led the analysis of Swift data for SN2005am,
which was accepted for publication.
The dramatic X-ray flares in GRB050406 and 050502b have been accepted
for publication in Science, in a paper led by David Burrows (PSU). The
Swift-discovered early X-ray light curves have been accepted in a
paper for Nature, led by Gianpiero Tagliaferri (OAB).
Swift Guest Investigator Program Update
The Swift Cycle 2 peer review was held in mid-September. A total of 66
budget proposals were submitted requesting $2.67 million in
funding. The peer review accepted 34 of these proposals for a total of
$1.25 million. The funding period is March 2006- March 2007. The Swift
Cycle 3 announcement is currently being drafted and will appear as
part of NASA HQ's ROSES-2006.
Swift results will be featured in the ?October Maryland? Astrophysics
meeting, which this year is being held November 29- December 2, in
Washington DC. Entitled ?Gamma-ray Bursts in the Swift Era,? the
conference is expected to showcase the recent discoveries by Swift, as
well as other gamma-ray satellites.
Swift E/PO News:
The NASA E/PO Group at Sonoma State University is continuing to
support the Swift mission now that it is in the routine science
observation portion of its mission.
E/PO Director and Swift Press Officer Lynn Cominsky helped prepare
several Swift press releases and press conferences , which included
coverage of GRB050904, the most distant (z=6.29) yet observed;
GRB050509, the first short GRB with an observed afterglow; the X-ray
and UV detections of Deep Impact's collision with comet P/9 Tempel 1.
The real-time GRB web site (
http://grb.sonoma.edu ) is running
well. The page "listens" for announcements from the GCN for Swift,
HETE-2, INTEGRAL, and Konus-WIND, and automatically plots the position
of the GRB on an all-sky map. Information Technology Consultant Tim
Graves has been studiously updating and upgrading the software,
including listing the galactic coordinates of GRBs, modifying the
listing table to more efficiently display information, and creating a
printable page with the GRB information. Soon, the site will display
real-time positions of the Earth, Sun, and Moon avoidance zones as
seen by Swift. Education Resource Director Phil Plait continues to
write brief synopses of the bursts, aimed at the public level. In the
time period of August through mid-October (for which we have
statistics), the site received about 45,000 unique visits from readers
all around the world.
The second Swift Newsletter was sent out in September. It includes
articles by PI Neil Gehrels, Mission Scientists Keith Mason and John
Nousek, E/PO Director Lynn Cominsky, and Phil Plait. The articles give
mission updates, news, and information about Swift education
efforts. The newsletter is available via subscription at
We have printed 2500 copies of the "Swift Glider," a kit to build a
paper airplane shaped like Swift's eponymous bird, which also has the
Swift logo on it. We have also printed 2500 more Swift paper model
booklets. These kits will be distributed at local and national
educator and science conferences. More information about these
materials and more is available at
Penn State Center for Science and the Schools, in collaboration with
Penn State Public Broadcasting (PSPB) and the Pennsylvania Space Grant
Consortium, produced "Swift Eyes Through Time," a teacher's activity
guide for 5-8 grade. The package, bundled as a CD-ROM/DVD and binder,
consists of activities to go along with a video about Swift and its
science (featuring Swift team members). The activity guide is
currently being pilot tested in schools across Pennsylvania and
nationally, and then will be distributed to schools, individual
teachers, libraries, and museums for formal and informal learning
purposes. Materials will be distributed nationally to public
broadcasting stations through the National Educational
Telecommunications Association (NETA). All materials will also be
available free of charge as downloadable files from the PSPB and Swift
There are currently 5 Swift Educator Ambassadors (Tom Arnold, David
Beier, Bruce Hemp, Rae McEntyre, and Rob Sparks). During FY05, Swift
Educator Ambassadors and E/PO professionals disseminated educational
materials and Swift content through 50 different workshops, lectures
and/or conferences. A total of 3315 teachers, students and members of
the general public were direct participants, while we estimate that
approximately 27,600 others were indirect participants. More
information can be found at
A black hole planetarium show based on the GLAST-sponsored PBS Nova
television program is in development, and heavily features Swift and
GRBs. This is due for public release in early 2006, and is being
directed by Thomas Lucas.
Back to Top

10. HETE Mission News - George Ricker (MIT) and Don Lamb
(University of Chicago)
On October 9, HETE celebrated the fifth anniversary of its launch.
Over the past half decade, HETE has provided the observer community
with prompt, accurate localizations and spectral characteristics of
GRB sources. The HETE spacecraft and dedicated ground network
continue to operate reliably and efficiently. All three science
instruments (i.e., the gamma-ray [Fregate], the medium energy X-ray
[WXM], and the soft X-ray cameras [SXC]) continue to work well. HETE
is currently localizing ~20 GRBs per year, with 90 GRBs localized in
5 years of operation. HETE's localization sample includes 26 X-ray
flashes (XRFs) thus far. Thirty-two HETE localizations have led to
detection of an X-ray, optical or radio afterglow. The harvest from
SXC-refined localizations of initial WXM detections continues to be
particularly rich, with 18 of 25 recent localizations resulting in
optical or near IR counterparts; i.e.,72% have IR or optical
counterparts. Thus, very few SXC-localized bursts have been optically
dark. Furthermore, redshifts have been reported for 22 HETE-localized
The increasing number of HETE bursts that are well-characterized
spectrally and that have measured redshifts has greatly extended the
range and robustness of the so-called "Amati relation," which
correlates Epeak, the value of the peak energy of the spectrum in
nu-Fnu, to the burst isotropic energy, Eiso (Amati et al. 2000).
Ghirlanda et al. (2004), Dai et al. (2004), Lazzati et al. (2005),
and Lamb et al. (2005) have argued that a model-dependent correction
of the prompt burst energy for the jet opening angle results in a
surprisingly accurate "standard ruler" applicable to cosmography for
redshifts up to z ~3, well beyond the range z=0 to z~1.5 currently
accessible for Type Ia supernovae. Liang and Zhang (2005) have shown
that an equally accurate "standard ruler" results from using the GRB
jet break time directly, removing model-dependent corrections and
making the GRB "standard ruler" entirely empirical. Discovery of
low-redshift bursts with accurately-measured spectra will be
essential to test and fully cross-calibrate this promising new
methodology, as emphasized by Ghirlanda et al. (2004), Friedman and
Bloom (2005), and Lamb et al. (2005). HETE has already discovered 5
long GRBs with redshifts in the range 0.1 < z < 0.5 that will be
critical for this cross calibration: more low-z GRB events than from
all other satellite missions combined. (Of the 22 long Swift GRBs
with redshifts listed in the Swift on-line catalog as of 15
November, there is apparently one, GRB 050803, with a redshift z<
0.5; see
http://swift.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/swift/grb_table/grb_table.py )
As the most extreme burst population known, X-Ray Flashes (XRFs)
provide severe constraints on burst models and offer unique insights
into the structure of GRB jets, the GRB rate, and the nature of Type
Ic supernovae. New insights into the nature of XRFs have come from
recent observations of these events by HETE and from X-ray, optical,
and radio follow-up observations of their afterglows. Still, many key
questions concerning XRFs remain unanswered. These include: Is the
total energy radiated by XRFs much less than the total energy
radiated by GRBs (as some observations indicate)? Does the burst
population extend down to events with peak energies at UV and optical
wavelengths? Is the XRF population a direct extension of the GRB and
"X-ray rich" GRB populations, or is it a distinct population? If it
is a direct extension, are XRFs a separate component of GRBs? If it
is not, do XRFs require different physics than do GRBs? There has
been a surge in theoretical modeling of XRFs in the past year, much
of it attempting to address these questions. The emerging community
interest in this new topic was exhibited in a Special Session on
X-ray Flashes that took place at the 206th Meeting of the American
Astronomical Society in Minneapolis.
This summer HETE played a key role in solving the mystery of short
GRBs. On July 9th, HETE detected and localized the short burst GRB
050709. Three papers published on October 6th in Nature (Villasenor
et al. 2005, Fox et al. 2005, Hjorth et al. 2005) reported several
important findings concerning this short GRB: (1) First detection
of the optical afterglow of a short burst; (2) Secure identification
of the galaxy in which a short burst had occurred; (3) Secure
measurement of the redshift of a short burst (z = 0.16); (4)
Determination of where in the host galaxy the burst occurred; (5)
Absence of any supernova light curve down to very sensitive limits.
GRB 050709 took place on the outskirts of its host galaxy, implying
that it is a very old object, as does the lack of any supernova light
curve. The peak flux and fluence of GRB 050709, together with its
redshift, implies that this short burst was a thousand times less
luminous and a thousand times less energetic than the typical long
GRB. These results strongly support the interpretation that short
GRBs are due to the mergers of neutron star-neutron star or neutron
star-black hole binaries, and are therefore likely associated with
the emission of strong bursts of gravitational waves.
Swift also played a key role in understanding the nature of short
GRBs, as is evidenced by the catalogued seven short GRBs that it has
detected and localized so far this year, including GRB 050509b and
GRB 050724. Continuing progress in understanding short GRBs is
likely based on such ongoing observations by Swift.
The synergy of HETE and Swift continues to be extremely productive,
as highlighted by the joint observations of:
XRF 050215b: Swift and HETE established that this burst is an X-Ray
Flash (Nakagawa et al. 2005, Takamoto et al. 2005) with a peak energy
Epeak = 26.5 +10/-12 keV in nu-Fnu. The properties of the burst,
when taken together with the results of Swift XRT observations of the
X-ray afterglow, are difficult to explain by a widely discussed model
in which XRFs are due to the effects of relativistic kinematics when
a burst is viewed close to but outside the jet opening angle.
GRB 051022: HETE observations show this event to have the highest
fluence of any GRB observed during the HETE mission to date (Doty et
al. 2005). Swift XRT observations of the X-ray afterglow led to rapid
identification of the host galaxy, which showed that the redshift of
the burst was only z = 0.8 (Gal-Yam et al. 2005)), yet no optical or
NIR afterglow of the burst was detected -- making it a dramatic
example of an "optically dark" GRB. Spectral analysis of HETE
observations of the burst (Doty et al. 2005) and the Swift
observations of the X-ray afterglow (Butler et al 2005a,b) show that
these spectra were significantly absorbed in the rest-frame of the
host galaxy, suggesting that the optical and NIR afterglow of the
burst were heavily extinguished by dust. Provided that most of the
dust is not destroyed by the burst and/or its afterglow, Butler et
al. (2005b) estimate that the V band extinction is ~40 magnitudes!
Six additional GRBs: 050401, 050408, 050824, 050922C, 051021A, and
051028 were jointly observed by HETE and Swift, and are currently
being analyzed by members of the two science teams.
The scientific discoveries that HETE continues to make, as well as
the ways in which it is complementary to and synergizes with Swift,
are important reasons for continuing HETE operations during the Swift
mission. Recognizing this, the 2004 NASA Senior Review recommended
that HETE mission operations overlap with Swift mission operations
for at least one year, so as to fully exploit the scientific
partnership between HETE and Swift. The recommendation of the 2004
Senior Review allowed for a possible further extension that would
continue to exploit the scientific partnership between HETE and
Swift, pending a peer review. This peer review has yet to occur.
NASA funding for HETE mission operations is currently planned to end
on 31 December 2005, despite the very low cost of continuing
operations, and pledges of matching support by HETE's international
Back to Top

11. RXTE News - Padi Boyd, Keith Jahoda, Craig Markwardt,
Gail Rohrbach, Evan Smith, Tod Strohmayer, and Jean Swank
The Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) Guest Observer Facility (GOF)
recently received proposals for Cycle 11, which will run from March
2006 through February 2007. This is the last observing cycle that we
are currently authorized by the Senior Review of 2004 to carry
out. RXTE is invited to propose to the 2006 Senior Review for an
extension of 2 years, that is, through February 2009. The RXTE Users
group is currently discussing the proposal. If you have comments on
this which you would like to share with the users group, please send
email to the RXTE project scientist at Jean.H.Swank@nasa.gov.
RXTE continues to be a popular observatory among the high energy
astrophysics community. We received 128 proposals in response to the
AO11 call for proposals as part of NASA Headquarters' ROSES-05
announcement. Although the total number of proposals received dropped
slightly, the amount of time requested by observers, 60.3 Msec, is
about the same as in Cycle 10. The RXTE peer review will take place
in mid-November. The results will be posted on the RXTE webpage
shortly after the review.
Science Highlights:
RXTE continues its high rate of scientific discoveries. All of its
intruments remain stable and are performing well. This year has been
noteworthy for the monitoring of GRO J1655-40 in outburst; the
discovery of two new accreting millisecond pulsars, IGR J00291+5934
and HETE J1900.1-2455; the first RXTE observations of the X-ray pulsar
A 0535+26; and new findings concerning magnetar bursts. In addition
to its own unique science, RXTE continues to support many
multi-wavelength efforts, coordinating observations with the
complimentary capabilities of Chandra, INTEGRAL, XMM/Newton, Swift and
several ground-based and balloon-borne observatories. Some recent RXTE
science highlights follow:
The microquasar GRO J1655-40, found in February to be again in
outburst, was the subject of an intensive monitoring campaign, which
has only now ended with the decay of the source into the noise of the
galactic disk. Jeroen Homan (MIT) posted many results at
http://tahti.mit.edu/opensource/1655/, showing the changes of state as
the outburst progressed. High-frequency QPOs were found to have a
variable frequency, with detections of single peaks near 260 Hz and a
pair at 300 Hz and 450 Hz. The low-frequency QPO was found up to
frequencies of ~30 Hz and was in a few cases accompanied by a second
type of low-frequency QPO near 6 Hz, strengthening the analogy with
the different types of low-frequency QPOs in neutron star sources.
RXTE continues to expand the sample, and our understanding, of
accreting millisecond pulsars. Indeed, at the recent AAS meeting in
Minneapolis, MN, a well attended special session, "Fundamental Physics
with Millisecond Pulsars," surveyed some of the most recent findings
and theoretical implications of RXTE observations of accreting
millisecond pulars.
In December, 2004 RXTE observations revealed that the INTEGRAL
transient, IGR J00291+5934 is the fastest known accreting ms pulsar,
with a spin frequency of 599 Hz. RXTE monitoring of the source found a
2.46 hour binary period, and a minimum companion mass of about 0.04
solar masses. A summary of results is presented by Galloway et al. in
ApJ (2005, ApJ, 622, L45). More recently, in June, 2005 the HETE
satellite observed a burst from a previously unidentified source, HETE
J1900.1-2455. RXTE found that the source is a 377 Hz pulsar (Morgan et
al., Atel 523) with a 1.4 hour binary period (Kaaret et al., Atel
538). Optical and Near-IR follow-up observations have also found an
optical counterpart (Atel 526, 533, 543), and a likely radio
counterpart (Atel 530). This is now only the third such pulsar to
show thermonuclear bursts, after SAX J1808.4-3658 and XTE J1814-338.
Among the millisecond accreting pulsars, besides SAX J1808.4-3658,
only XTE J1807-294 has exhibited a pair of kHz quasi-periodic
oscillations. For this source the frequency separation is consistent
with the spin frequency of 190.6 Hz (Linares et al, astro-ph/0509011).
When combined with the previous results on SAX J1808.4-3658, which
shows a kHz frequency separation consistent with half its spin
frequency, these results conclusively demonstrate that the spin
frequency has a crucial effect in producing the observed frequency
separation of kHz QPOs.
In other recent work on kHz oscillations, Didier Barret (CESR/France)
and colleagues have undertaken a sytematic archival study of the kHz
QPOs in 4U 1636-53 (2005, MNRAS, 361, 855). They find systematic
variations of the coherence of the QPOs with frequency. In particular,
the coherence value of the lower kHz QPO drops quickly from about 200
to 50 as the QPO frequency varies from 850 to 920 Hz. They suggest
the abrupt change in coherence of the lower kHz oscillation might be a
manifestation of an innermost stable circular orbit.
RXTE archival observations of the giant magnetar flares from SGR
1806-20 and SGR 1900+14 are providing exciting new insights on neutron
stars. Both flares were so bright that they were observed through the
PCA's collimator walls while another faint X-ray source was being
observed. First, Gianluca Israel (INAF/Rome) and colleagues reported
the discovery of 92.5 Hz oscillations in PCA data from portions of the
December, 2004 giant flare from SGR 1806-20 (2005, ApJ, 628, L53).
They suggested a possible connection with vibrations of the neutron
star crust. Motivated by this, Strohmayer and Watts analysed the
earlier, August 1998 flare from SGR 1900+14, which was also detected
by the PCA (2005, ApJ, 632, L111). Tney found a set of four
oscillation frequencies including one QPO at 155 Hz. The observed
frequencies can be accounted for by a sequence of torsional vibration
modes of the crust. Comparisons with theoretical calculations of
crustal modes, and accurate mode identifications could lead to new
methods for constraining neutron star structure.
Calibration News:
There have been several new releases of the HEASoft package during the
last year, primarily to support the new Swift and Suzaku missions. The
most current version as of this writing is HEASoft 6.0.3. There have
not been changes to RXTE tools, which have remained stable for some
time now. So RXTE users do not need to get the latest HEASoft to
analyze their data. Upgrading to HEASoft 6.0.3 should cause no changes
to the operations of RXTE tools, on the other hand.
We are now five years into PCA calibration Epoch 5 (which began with
the loss of the propane layer on PCU0 on May 12, 2000). During this
time, the gradual decay of RXTE's orbit has resulted in a lower
average background rate with time. The PCA background models have been
improved recently to account for this secular term, and will be
released to the community as soon as final testing is completed. We
expect this to occur by the end of 2005.
RXTE Education and Public Outreach:
RXTE scientists continue to create and participate in a healthy
Education and Public Outreach (EPO) effort. The High Energy Groovie
Movie showcases the exciting X-ray universe of black holes, pulsars
and active galaxies. The visuals feature a speeded-up "movie" of the
X-ray sky, created from the first four years of data taken by the RXTE
All Sky Monitor. In addition, NASA press animations illustrate
current theories of how these objects might look close up. The
soundtrack to the movie is the AstroCappella song High Energy Groove,
a musical exploration of the rockin' high energy universe. The movie
was designed to be used as a science classroom engagement activity.
Seven classroom activities for middle and high school physical science
classes accompany the movie and reinforce fundamental science concepts
such as the electromagnetic spectrum, temperature, frequency and
wavelength, and Newton's Laws of motion.
Check out the High Energy Groovie Movie and activities at
RXTE 10th Anniversay Celebrations:
The 10th anniversary of the launch of RXTE is December 30th, 2005,
less than one month away! Several scientific and social events,
immediately following the January AAS meeting in Washington, DC, have
been organized to honor the occasion. The events will take place in
Greenbelt, MD at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center
(NASA/GSFC)---where the spacecraft was built and is operated. The
events include a party on the evening of January 12 at the NASA/GSFC
recreation center and a symposium of science talks on January 13 (in
the Bldg 3 auditorium, NASA/GSFC). The symposium will survey the broad
contributions of RXTE to high energy astrophysics, as well as
highlight some of the latest findings. Immediately following the
symposium, Fred Lamb will deliver the Goddard Scientific Colloquium,
"The Impact of Rossi XTE on General Relativistic and High Energy
Astrophysics." See the RXTE web site for further information and if
you would like to attend.(
Also on January 12, the RXTE Users group will meet to finalize the
RXTE response to the 2006 Senior Review call.
Back to Top

12. Suzaku News - Richard Kelley, for the Suzaku team
The long-awaited Japan/US Astro-E2 mission was successfully launched
by the JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS) on
July 10, 2005 from the Uchinoura Space Center in Japan. As is the
custom, the satellite was renamed after it was confirmed that orbit
had been successfully achieved. The name "Sazuku" was selected after
the mythical red bird significant in Asian cultural history. The
initial spacecraft operations were successfully carried out and the
spacecraft was placed into the planned circular orbit with altitude
568 km and 31 deg inclination.
The three main instruments, the high resolution X-Ray Spectrometer
(XRS), the imaging X-Ray Imaging Spectrometer (XIS), and the Hard
X-Ray Detector (HXD) were all successfully activated during the first
month of initial operations. The XRS, a 32-pixel microcalorimeter
spectrometer, was successfully cooled to 0.060K with a four-stage
cooling system the x-rays were detected using internal calibration
sources. The XRS performed to specifications for almost three weeks,
achieving an energy resolution of 7 eV (FWHM) at 6 keV. The
Stirling cycle mechanical cooler was also successfully activated and
is cooling the outer shield of the dewar as expected. But an anomaly
appeared on July 29, three days after the dewar main shell vent valve
was opened. Several abrupt temperature changes were observed in
parts of the dewar system while other signatures indicated clear
signs of gas in the dewar vacuum space. There were several more of
these anomalies over the next week, and on August 8 there were two
more of such events, the second of which caused a thermal short
between the helium and neon tanks. This was rapidly followed by
evaporation of the liquid helium cryogen. Investigations are
underway in the US and Japan, but a preliminary finding is that there
was a problem with venting of the dewar He and Ne cryogen gases out
to space through the spacecraft, resulting in a higher than expected
gas pressure in the dewar main shell.
There are two other instruments, the XIS and HXD, on board Suzaku
that are functioning extremely well, and in fact provide significant
new science capabilities. The XIS, developed jointly by MIT, the
Universities of Kyoto and Osaka, and ISAS/JAXA, features four CCD
cameras, one of which utilizes a backside-illuminated chip for
improved sensitivity at low energies. Based on early calibration
observations it is clear that the line response is substantially
improved compared with previous x-ray CCDs and this should enable
improved spectroscopy and sensitivity to lower energy transitions
from C, N, and O. The HXD, developed at the University of Tokyo and
other institutions in Japan with ISAS is also operating as expected
and has very high sensitivity from 10-600 keV. The XIS and HXD are
co-aligned and operated simultaneously, providing a very wide energy
energy band. Suzaku is thus particularly well-suited for studies of
AGN and diffuse sources, including clusters of galaxies, where
broadband, multi-component emission processes are present.
Because the originally approved guest investigator program was
formulated around the XRS, it was necessary to generate a new program
based on the current performance and capabilities of Suzaku. Further
information on an upcoming opportunity for participation in this
revised program and possible associated NASA grants funding will be
forthcoming over the coming weeks.
With the XRS out of commission, the project had to reevaluate the
initial observing program, selected largely on the basis of XRS
science. This includes both observations by Suzaku team members and
the guest observer program, originally selected in 2004. For this
purpose, ISAS/JAXA will issue a new call for proposals by the first
week of November. NASA has anticipated this by issuing Amendment 30
to ROSES-2005. Notices of Intent are due on December 2, 2005, and
proposals are due on January 6, 2006. Further details for US-based
astronomers can be found on the Suzaku GOF web page
http://suzaku.gsfc.nasa.gov/, where pointers to non-US researchers
can also be found.
An updated Technical Description document, the current observing
program, sample Suzaku observations, software and calibration data
will be made available by mid November.
Back to Top

13. GLAST News -- - Steven Ritz
GLAST marked a key milestone in mid-October at SLAC with the
installation of all 16 towers in the Large Area Telescope (LAT). This
was a major accomplishment, and it was a result of enormous and
dedicated work by the international LAT team and strong support of the
funding agencies. Each tower consists of a tracker (TKR) and
calorimeter (CAL) module, mounted into a structural grid, along with
associated tower electronics. A photograph of the LAT with all 16
towers in it can be viewed at
http://glast.sonoma.edu/gallery/images/LAT_1005.JPG . By the time the
HEAD newsletter hits the streets, the Anti-Coincidence Detector (ACD),
which is already at SLAC, will have been installed over the array of
TKRs to form the complete instrument. Environmental testing of the
LAT begins in early 2006, followed by delivery for observatory
integration in mid-year.
All flight sensors, electronics, and the data system for the GLAST
Burst Monitor (GBM) have been delivered to Marshall Space Flight
Center, marking another important milestone. System-level testing is
now starting at MSFC, followed by observatory integration in mid-year
A LAT collaboration meeting was held 29-31 August at SLAC, focusing on
instrument test data analysis, status updates, and science analysis
preparation. On the following day, another very successful GLAST
mini-symposium was held, this time on the Galactic Center Region,
organized by Chuck Dermer and jointly sponsored by the LAT team and
the mission Science Working Group (SWG). Concluding a busy week, the
SWG had a face-to-face meeting on 2 September. Presentations from the
mini-symposium and meetings are linked to the mission website. The
next SWG telecon will be in early December.
The GLAST Users Committee (GUC) had a face-to-face meeting in June at
SLAC, followed by a telecon in September. The next face-to-face GUC
meeting will be on 8-9 November at Goddard.
An international organizing committee (IOC) has started meeting to
help plan the first GLAST Symposium, a major meeting that will follow
in the tradition of the Compton Symposia. Associated with the
Symposium, workshops will be held for Guest Investigators on the
mission, instrument capabilities, proposal tools, data and science
analysis tools, and GLAST Science Support Center (GSSC) functions.
Following the recommendation of the GUC, the First GLAST Symposium
will occur in February 2007. A first bulletin, including dates and
location, will be circulated widely soon.
Last but not least, we are very happy to announce that Julie McEnery
(GSFC) has been named a GLAST Deputy Project Scientist.
GLAST E/PO News by Phil Plait
The black hole planetarium show being developed at the Denver Museum
of Science and based on the GLAST-sponsored PBS Nova television show
is nearing completion. The special effects are done, and the script is
in the final stages of editing. A special viewing will be held for
museum patrons in December, and the show itself will go public in
early 2006. A press kit and a series of educational activities and
information guide are being developed and will be available when the
show is completed.
The GLAST Telescope Network (GTN) has begun routine observations of
current GLAST program objects. New observing partners continue to be
added; eight new observatories were added in FY05, spanning three
continents (including Australia, giving much-needed southern
hemisphere target coverage). The GTN has been collaborating with the
PROMPT GRB team and the Hand-On Universe group to make the observing
system more autonomous and efficient, as well as make it available for
other telescope networks. The GTN has been working closely with
Roseland University Prep, a local (Santa Rosa, California) high school
in an underserved area, to bring astronomy education into the
classroom. This included the acquisition of a 10" Newtonian
computer-controlled telescope which will be given to the school later
this year.
The TOPS Learning Systems module, "Pi in the Sky" has been completed
and printed. This is the final in a series of three GLAST-sponsored
activity books which use simple household objects (string, paperclips,
coins, etc.) to teach math and science. The GLAST Race card game has
been completed, and 2500 sets are being printed as this issue goes to
press. The Active Galaxies pop-up book is currently being printed,
with 3000 copies due for delivery. More information about these
materials is located at
During FY05, GLAST Educator Ambassadors and E/PO professionals
disseminated educational materials and GLAST content through over 95
different workshops, lectures and/or conferences. A total of 7,138
teachers, students and members of the general public were direct
participants, while we estimate that over 44,700 others were indirect
participants. For more information, see
We presented two mini-courses co-sponsored by GLAST and several other
Universe missions. In June 2005, a six-part mini-course called "You
Are Here" was given to children at the Sonoma Valley of the Moon Boys
and Girls Club. Organized and executed by E/PO team Program Manager
Sarah Silva, it presented the size and scale of the Universe using
space science missions as an engagement. The "Modeling the Universe"
short course was also presented at the Astronomical Society of the
Pacific's conference "The Emerging E/PO Profession" in September in
Tucson, Arizona.
Back to Top

14. MEETINGS -- Future and Past (a partial list!)
Editor's note: A list of international astronomical meetings can be
found at
Below are listed meetings that may be of interest to HEAD members, and
particularly those where the meeting organizers have asked to have
their meeting announcement included in the HEAD newsletter.
HEAD Division Meeting
San Franscisco
October 4 - 7, 2006
Supernova and Gamma Ray Burst Remnants
Dear Colleague
We are writing to annouce a conference on Supernova and Gamma Ray
Burst Remnants at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, UC
Santa Barbara, on February 6 - 10 2006.
The connection between supernovae and gamma ray bursts has provided
insight to extend our understanding of both these phenomena beyond
what was known from studying them separately. A unique window into the
connection between the progenitors and mechanisms of supernovae and
gamma ray burst explosions is provided by their remnants. This
conference brings together experts of the remnants of both supernovae
and gamma ray bursts to combine this collective knowledge and to
foster productive communcation between theorists and observers.
The conference schedule is now available at the website
http://www.kitp.ucsb.edu/activities/auto2/?id=338. In addition to
these talks, there will be opportunities to present posters. E-mail
coordinator Martin Laming (laming@nrl.navy.mil) if you are interested
in presenting a poster. Limited space available.
Please register for the conference now at
Early registration deadline - January 6th 2006;
Hotel reservation deadline - January 12th 2006
If you have questions, please contact Martin Laming
Roger Chevalier (rac5x@virginia.edu) or Una Hwang
Beijing, China, 16 - 23 July 2006
The following sections may be of particular interest --
Gamma-ray Bursts in the Swift Era (organizers: Gehrels and Piro)
Multi-scale and Multi-wavelength Studies of Black Holes (organizers: Li and
Different Manifestations of Neutron Stars (organizers: Lai and Strohmayer)
New High-Energy Results on Supernova Remnants and Pulsar Wind Nebulae
(organizers: Vink and Slane)
Challenges in High Resolution Space Astronomy: Astrophysics,
Technology and Data (organizers: Fabbiano and Elvis)
Shedding New Light on Dark Matter and Dark Energy (organizers: Jones and Forman)
More information on these and other COSPAR sessions can be found at
Neutrino 2006
Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Discovery of the Neutrino
13-19 June 2006 in Santa Fe, NM
The XXII International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics
will take place in historic Santa Fe, New Mexico, June 13-19, 2006, at
Santa Fe's Lensic Theater. The scientific program will cover the
latest developments in neutrino physics, astrophysics, and related
topics through a set of invited talks, a poster session, an historic
poster session and displayed papers. A more detailed program will be
posted at http://neutrinosantafe06.com/
Heating vs. Cooling in Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies
August 6 - 11, 2006 in Garching, Germany
MPA/ESO/MPE/USM Joint Astronomy Conference
Detailed multiwavelength observations suggest that the dense plasma
regions at the centers of galaxy clusters, previously thought to
harbour cooling flows, are subject to a delicate balance between
heating and cooling, which substantially reduces mass condensation and
star formation rates. While these regions are quite complex, the rich
observational detail now becoming available can guide understanding
and modelling. The aim of this conference is to provide a synthesis of
all the observational evidence and to confront it with astrophysical
modelling. Analogous issues arise in the models of galaxy formation
where the observed properties and the evolution of the galaxy
population can only be explained if gas cooling and star formation are
assumed to be regulated by feedback heating. The conference will
explore possible connections between these two areas.
See also our WEB-page:
Heritage -
There has been a series of very successful meetings focussed on the
physics of cooling flows, each organized at an appropriate moment and
assembling almost all the scientists who made interesting
contributions to the field. This series started with the NATO ASI
organized by Andy Fabian in Cambridge (1988), which provided an
excellent review of the field combining the observational results in
the X-ray, optical and radio regimes. The next conference, organized
by Noam Soker in Israel in 1995, reviewed in particular the insights
gained with ROSAT and ASCA. The third organized by Craig Sarazin and
Thomas Reiprich in Charlottesville in 2003 allowed a first discussion
of the paradigm change initiated by new results from XMM-Newton and
Chandra: the realization that spectral signatures of massive cooling
are absent, while clear signatures of AGN interaction with the
intracluster medium in several cooling flow clusters are observed,
suggesting that AGN may be the source of heating. Some of the most
important current questions are how the heating is done and what
processes are involved, questions which bring us much more deeply into
Motivation -
In recent years the effort to understand cluster cooling cores has
grown both in terms of observation (in particular in X-rays with the
Chandra and XMM-Newton satellites) and in terms of detailed numerical
hydrodynamical simulations. A review of the state of the subject is
thus timely. Also, in recent years it has been much more generally
appreciated that the suppression of gas cooling in the center of
galaxy clusters may be a model for the effects of feedback in galaxy
and structure formation in general. In our meeting we consequently
broaden the view to include feedback and self-regulation during galaxy
*) Evidence for cooling, cold material, and star formation in the
centers of galaxy clusters and elliptical galaxies
(results from observations in X-rays, optical, IR, radio, absorption
studies and other diagnostics)
*) Heating by the AGN-intracluster medium interaction and by other
processes; confrontation with observed cooling core structure
(observational results, particularly in X-rays and radio, and
theoretical modelling and simulations)
*) The entropy structure of the intracluster medium and chemical
as signatures of feedback heating in the past
*) The need for feedback regulation in galaxy formation
(detailed comparison of model predictions and observations),
modelling of feedback during galaxy formation both from
stars/supernovae and from AGN
Scientific Organizing Committee
Monique Arnaud (Saclay), Mitchell Begelman (Boulder,
Hans Boehringer (MPE), Megan Donahue (Michigan State
Andy Fabian (Cambridge), Guenther Hasinger (MPE),
Tim Heckman (JHU, Baltimore), Christine Jones (CfA),
Brian McNamara (Ohio), Takaya Ohashi (Tokyo
Metrop. Univ.),
Frazer Owen (Soccoro), Max Pettini (Cambridge),
Thomas Reiprich (Bonn Univ.), Alvio Renzini (Padova),
Piero Rosati (ESO), Craig Sarazin (Univ. of
Noam Soker (Technion), Rashid Sunyeav (MPA),
Simon White (MPA)
Bethe Centennial Symposium on Astrophysics
The Bethe Centennial Symposium on Astrophysics will
be held at Cornell University on June 2 and 3, 2006.
This symposium, which will be hosted by the Departments
of Physics and Astronomy, is intended to celebrate
Hans's exuberance for astrophysics by looking ahead
to the future of those areas of inquiry that captivated
him most during the last 40 years of his extraordinarily
productive life.
There will be four principal sessions at the symposium,
and one evening reception:
Friday June 2, Morning Session:
Invited Speakers: R. Kirshner (Harvard), S. Woosley
Panel Moderator: J. C. Wheeler (Texas)
Friday June 2, Afternoon Session:
Invited Speakers: A. McDonald (Queens/SNO), W. Haxton (Washington);
Panel Moderator: B. Kayser (FNAL)
Friday June 2, Evening: Banquet, Statler Ballroom;
After Dinner Speaker: E. E. Salpeter (Cornell)
Saturday June 3, Morning Session:
Invited Speakers: R. Sunyaev (MPI), S. Kulkarni (Caltech);
Panel Moderator: L. Bildsten (KITP)
Saturday June 3, Afternoon Session:
Invited Speakers: M. Turner (Chicago/NSF), K. Thorne (Caltech),
R. Blandford (KIPAC);
Panel Moderator: D. Helfand (Columbia)
In addition to the invited summary lectures, each session
will have a discussion featuring invited panelists, with
an open microphone to encourage questions and comments
from all symposium attendees. Poster sessions for
communicating new scientific results and ideas will take
place during program breaks.
Additional information can be found at
Rachel Bean,
David Chernoff,
Eanna Flanagan,
Dong Lai,
Richard Lovelace,
Saul Teukolsky,
Yervant Terzian,
Ira Wasserman (Chair)
The Multicoloured Landscape of Compact Objects and their Explosive
Theory vs. Observations
June 11 - 24, 2006,
Cefalu', Sicily (Italy)
The main goal of this multidisciplinary workshop is to present
and discuss (via invited and contributed talks and posters) the
main scientific results of current research work in the field of
compact objects and their progenitors.
The most violent phenomena in the universe are related to the
extreme physical conditions which occur during the formation and
lifetime of collapsed objects.
The workshop will therefore deal with subjects going from
Gamma Ray Burst, to Supernovae, to Binary Systems harbouring a compact
object, and to Active Galactic Nuclei, allowing for fruitful close
interactions and useful discussions between scientists studying the
most extreme physical phenomena in the Universe.
In particular, during the meeting we will focus on the following
scientific areas:
MAGNETAR CANDIDATES: Soft Gamma-ray Repeaters and Anomalous
X-ray Pulsars (June 13-14)
SUPERNOVAE (June 14-17)
It is possible to participate to one or two weeks with the
following registration fees:
- One week (early registration): Euro 320
- Two weeks (early registration): Euro 400
- One week (late registration): Euro 370
- Two weeks (late registration): Euro 450
The Meeting will take place in the Sala delle Capriate of the
Historical Cefalu' Municipal Palace in the very center of Cefalu',
facing the Arab-Norman Cathedral (Duomo). Part of the conference will
also be hosted in the close-by Sala S. Caterina (poster session and
coffee breaks). Computers and web facilities will be available in the
rooms of the Historical Building of the Fondazione Mandralisca. The
two buildings are 5 min walk from each other.
For more general information on Cefalu', please consult the links
of our WWW page:
Texas in Australia
23rd Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics
Melbourne, Australia,
11-15 December 2006
for more information, please see
6th Integral Workshop -- The Obscured Universe
2 - 8 July 2006, St. Petersburg, Russia
The 6th INTEGRAL (International Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory)
workshop `The Obscured Universe' will take place from 2 - 8 July
2006 in St. Petersburg, Russia.
The workshop will be associated with XI Marcel Grossmann meeting
http://www.icra.it/MG/mg11/). It is planned that
the Marcel Grossmann meeting and INTEGRAL workshop will have a joint
opening session in Tavricheskiy Palace, two joint scientific sessions,
a common broad cultural programme and a common conference dinner.
The workshop is being jointly co-sponsored by ESA and IKI.
Information on workshop registration and hotel booking, instructions
for authors and kits for the preparation of abstracts (including
examples) will be made available in due time via the WWW pages of the
Local Organizing Committee (LOC) (final details will be given in the
second circular):
The ESA INTEGRAL pages on the WWW will also provide access to the
latest workshop information:
It is intended to make all accepted abstracts and the scientific
programme information available on the WWW.
The deadline for receipt of abstracts is 01 March 2006
6th International Conference on High Energy Density Laboratory
March 11-14, 2006, Rice University, Houston, Texas
Conference website:
We are pleased to announce the 6th International Conference on High
Energy Density Laboratory Astrophysics, to be held March 11 to 14 on
the campus of Rice University in Houston, Texas. This is a
continuation of the very successful previous conferences, held in 1996
in Pleasanton, California, in 1998 at the University of Arizona, in
2000 at Rice, in 2002 at the University of Michigan, and in 2004 at
the University of Arizona (organized by the University of Rochester).
During the past decade, research teams around the world have developed
astrophysics-relevant research utilizing high energy-density
facilities such as intense lasers and z-pinches. Research is underway
in many areas, such as compressible hydrodynamic mixing, strong shock
phenomena, radiation flow, radiative shocks and jets, complex
opacities, equations of state, superstrong magnetic fields, and
relativistic plasmas. Ongoing research is producing exciting results
using the Omega laser at the University of Rochester, the Z machine at
Sandia National Laboratories, and other facilities worldwide. Future
astrophysics-related experiments are now being planned for the 2 MJ
National Ignition Facility (NIF) laser at Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory, the 2 MJ Laser Megajoule (LMJ) in Bordeaux, France;
petawatt-class lasers now under construction in several countries, and
future Z pinches. To further focus attention on this emerging research
frontier, we are convening the 6th International Conference in this
The abstract deadline is January 13, 2006.
All conference presenters will be invited to submit papers for the
refereed conference proceedings, once again to be published in
Astrophysics and Space Science. The proceedings of the 5th Conference
are available as Vol. 298.
Topics Include:
Stellar evolution, stellar envelopes, opacitities, radiation transport
Planetary Interiors, high-pressure EOS, dense plasma atomic physics
Supernovae, gamma-ray bursts, exploding systems, strong shocks,
turbulent mixing
Supernova remnants, shock processing, radiative shocks
Astrophysical jets, high-Mach-number flows, magnetized radiative jets,
magnetic reconnection
Compact object accretion disks, x-ray photoionized plasmas
Ultrastrong fields, particle acceleration, collisionless shocks
Conference Administrator:
Umbe Cantu, Rice University,
Physics & Astronomy Department MS 108,
6100 Main St., Houston, TX 77005-1892;
Tel. (713) 348-4939, Fax: (713) 348-5143
Organizing Committee:
Edison Liang (Rice University), George Kyrala (Los Alamos National
Laboratory), Sergey Lebedev (Imperial College London), Paul Drake
(University of Michigan), Bruce Remington (Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory), Hideaki Takabe (Osaka University Japan)
Scientific Advisory Committee:
Paul Bellan (California Inst. of Technology), Serge Bouquet
(Commissariat Energie Atomique), Adam Frank (University of Rochester),
Patrick Hartigan (Rice University), Masahiro Hoshino (University of
Tokyo), Michel Koenig (Ecole Polytechnique), Hui Li (Los Alamos
National Laboratory), Shin Mineshige (Kyoto University), Tom Ray
(Dublin Inst. for Advanced Studies), Wil van Breugel (Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory),
plus the organizing committee members
High Resolution X-Ray Spectroscopy: Towards XEUS and CON-X
27 - 28 March 2006
Mullard Space Science Laboratory,
Holmbury St Mary, Dorking, Surrey, UK
Registration and abstract deadline - 15th January 2006
Since the launch of the Chandra and the XMM-Newton observatories six
years ago, astronomers have become familiar with high resolution X-ray
spectra provided by dispersive spectrometers. A whole new source
parameter space has been opened up to investigation and exciting new
insights have been revealed into the physics and energetics of X-ray
emitters and absorbers. Soon further advances in this field will be
provided by non-dispersive spectrometers, with similar high resolution
to current instrumentation and with enhanced sensitivity.
The time is right, then, to take stock of what has been achieved, to
review our current understanding and to consider how to build on it,
by taking advantage of future opportunities such as XEUS and
Con-X. With this in mind we invite those in the astronomical community
with an interest in high resolution X-ray spectroscopy to get together
again at MSSL, in a workshop that will hopefully be as vibrant and
successful as its precursor in October 2002.
In addition to the invited speakers programme, there will time for a
number of contributed talks (focussing on XMM-Newton and Chandra
spectroscopy results). Space for poster papers will also be
For more details, visit the workshop website:
Because there will be a limited number of places, we ask that you
advise us of your attendance as soon as possible, and in any case
before 15th January 2006.
SWIFT and GRBs: Unveiling the Relativistic Universe
5-9 June 2006,
Topics and Abstract
Prompt Emission
Afterglow, Progenitors
Parent populations and Host Galaxies
Cosmology and GRBs (Pop III and IGM)
Ultra High Energy Emission
Non standard GRB models
The Swift satellite is operating very satisfactory, providing a large
amount of data on Gamma Ray Bursts. At the same time it is mapping, at
ever increasing depth, the high energy sky. The first Swift meeting,
in Washington (November 2005) will discuss topics covering the new
discoveries obtained in the first 12 months of operations. At this
meeting, in Venice, we will cover topics regarding the observations,
new findings and the recent theories developed to model the
observations. In addition to the broad research field related to GRBs
and high energy phenomena, Swift-related research is also broadening
our understanding of the late phases of stellar evolution, the physics
of relativistic stars and cosmology.
In all these endeavors scientists, using Swift, HETE, INTEGRAL and
IPN, trigger observations obtaining new data with other facilities in
space or on the ground. Thus, we are witnessing not only the power of
a multi-wavelength Observatory but also the power of a world-wide
community operating with the best available instruments.
More information at
Physics and Astrophysics of Supermassive Black-Holes
July 9 - 14, 2006,
Santa Fe, New Mexico
In the past, they were recognized as the most destructive force in
nature. Now, following a cascade of astonishing discoveries,
supermassive black holes have undergone a dramatic shift in
paradigm. Astronomers are finding out that these objects may have been
critical to the formation of structure in the early universe, spawning
bursts of star formation, planets, and even life itself. They may have
contributed as much as half of all the radiation produced after the
Big Bang, and at least 300 million of them may now be lurking through
the vast expanses of the observable cosmos. The most accessible among
them appears to be lurking at the Center of our own Galaxy.
This meeting will bring together astronomers, astrophysicists, and
general relativistis now working at the forefront of supermassive
black hole research with the goal of furthering our understanding of
the formation and evolution of these intriguing objects.
This gathering is sponsored jointly by Los Alamos National Laboratory
and The University of Arizona, and will be held at the Bishop's Lodge
Resort and Spa, just minutes outside of Santa Fe, New Mexico. The
hotel website may be found at
http://www.bishopslodge.com/. If you
are not familiar with Santa Fe, one of the most historic cities in the
U.S., you may find useful information at
http://santafe.org/. Among
the many attractions that Santa Fe has to offer, the open-air opera
season begins July 2. The current invitees include the following:
M. Begelman**, M. Livio*,
R. Blandford, F. Melia*,
W. Duschl*, D. Merritt*,
M. Elvis*, J. Ostriker*,
A. Fabian*, M. Rees**,
P. Fabbiano*, C. Reynolds*,
X. Fan*, D. Richstone*,
C. Fryer*, S. Shapiro**,
K. Gebhardt*, J. Silk*,
R. Genzel*, P. Strittmatter**,
A. Goldwurm*, R. Sunyaev*,
M. Haehnelt*, K. Thorne**,
J. Hawley*, M. Urry*,
R. Kerr*, F. Yusef-Zadeh*,
S. Komossa*,
[* confirmed, ** tentative confirmation]
Details of the meeting, including the registration page, may be found
http://qso.lanl.gov/meetings/meet2006/index.html. Please check
this site regularly for updates, including the complete list of
attendees, hotel reservations, and travel information.
There is no conference fee and LANL is partially subsidizing hotel
costs. However, due to space limitations at the meeting site, the
total number of participants will be restricted to 100 individuals.
We therefore urge you to register as soon as possible, but no later
than January 31, 2006, when decisions regarding attendance will be
made. Registration after this date will still be possible, but all
the available slots may be filled by then.
The Local Organizing Committee:
C. Fryer (fryer@lanl.gov),
F. Melia (melia@physics.arizona.edu),
G. Rockefeller (gaber@lanl.gov)
The Scientific Committee: R. Blandford, S. Komossa,
A. Fabian, F. Melia,
X. Fan, D. Merritt,
C. Fryer, M. Rees,
R. Genzel, S. Shapiro,
A. Goldwurm, R. Sunyaev
Constellation-X Mission Facility Science Team - Open Meeting
15 - 16 February 2006 (Royal Sonesta Hotel, Cambridge, MA)
This is an open meeting so all interested parties are welcome to
attend. If you are not a member of the FST or its science panels and
plan on attending, please notify the FST Chair, Harvey Tananbaum -
A preliminary agenda and information about a special conference room
rate at the Royal Sonesta will be available sometime next week at:
A list of potential topics for the meeting is already provided on that page.
Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute
Spring 2006 Program on Astrostatistics
January 18-25, 2006
The Opening Tutorials for the SAMSI program on Astrostatistics will be
held Wednesday-Sunday, January 18-22, 2006, at SAMSI. These are
designed to expose astronomers to modern methodologies in statistics
and applied mathematics and familiarize statisticians with current
trends in astronomy. The dates and subjects are as follows:
Tutorial 1. Bayesian Astrostatistics (January 18-20, 2006), Tom Loredo
(Cornell) - Leader
Tutorial 2. Nonparametric Statistics and Machine Learning for
Astronomers (January 21-22, 2006), Larry Wasserman (Carnegie-Mellon) -
Tutorial 3. Astronomy for Statisticians (January 21-22, 2006), William
Jeffreys (UTexas) and Eric Feigelson (Penn State) - Leaders.
The Opening Workshop for the program will be held January 23-25, 2006
at the Radisson Hotel RTP in Research Triangle Park, NC. This workshop
will focus on setting the scientific agenda for the
program. Programmatic perspectives and necessary research directions
will be provided by invited speakers and moderators who will focus the
discussion among the attendees.
Further details about the topics of the tutorials and the program for
the opening workshop are available at
The application form for attendance at these events is also located
there. Young researchers (graduate students, postdocs, and faculty in
the early stages of their careers) and members of underrepresented
groups are especially encouraged to apply.
The tutorials and workshop are joint activities with the Center for
Astrostatistics at Penn State University.
Scientific Committee --
G. J. Babu (Penn State University) - Chair, Alanna Connors (Eureka
Scientific), Tom Loredo (Cornell University), and Larry Wasserman
(Carnegie-Mellon University); Jim Berger (SAMSI - Directorate
Peter Bickel (Berkeley - National Advisory Committee Liaison)
PAST MEETINGS -- with new WEB Proceedings
4th International X-Ray Astronomy School
The school was held this year in Cambridge, MA from August 15 to
August 19. Attended by 48 students from all over the world, the school
was a smashing success. For the first time we offered "hand-on"
experience with data in addition to the lectures, and it was clear
from the student's presentations at the end of the school that they
all had worked hard on their projects and improved their understanding
of the X-ray data analysis process. The school was organized in
collaboration between the HEASARC at the NASA Goddard Space Flight
Center and the Chandra X-ray Observatory Center. Many thanks to the
instructors who worked on their lectures, the administration and
computer groups and specialists at the Cfa for their support before
and during the school. Lectures for the school can be accessed at:
(and don't forget to check out the pictures accessible from the home page at:
Chandra Calibration Workshop - 2005
The Chandra Calibration Workshop was held on Oct 31 and
Nov 1 in Cambridge, MA. The presentations and posters
from the workshop are now available online, at
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HEADNEWS, the electronic newsletter of the High Energy Astrophysics Division of the American Astronomical Society, is issued twice yearly by the HEAD Secretary-Treasurer. The HEAD Executive Committee Members are: