HEADNEWS: THE ELECTRONIC NEWSLETTER OF THE HIGH ENERGY ASTROPHYSICS DIVISION OF THE AAS IN THIS ISSUE: Newsletter No. 98, June 2011 Notes from the Editor- Ann Hornschemeier View from the Chair - Chryssa Kouveliotou HEAD Meeting 2011 (Newport, RI) - Joel Bregman Old HEAD Newsletters Sought! (pre-1995) - Ann Hornschemeier HEAD in the News -Megan Watzke Chandra X-ray Observatory Operations Report - Roger Brissenden and Martin Weisskopf XMM-Newton Mission News - Lynne Valencic and Lynn Cominsky INTEGRAL Mission News- Christoph Winkler and Steve Sturner Swift Mission News - Stefan Immler, Lynn Cominsky, & Neil Gehrels Suzaku Mission News - Koji Mukai Fermi Mission News - Julie McEnery et al. NuSTAR Mission News - Daniel Stern and Fiona Harrison IXO Mission News - Michael Garcia NASA Gravitational Wave News (Formerly LISA News) - Michele Vallisneri Meetings Calendar HEADNEWS, the electronic newsletter of the High Energy Astrophysics Division of the American Astronomical Society, is issued twice yearly by the HEAD Secretary-Treasurer. The HEAD Executive Committee Members are: Chryssa Kouveliotou, Chair ( xpysag@gmail.com ) Ann Hornschemeier, Secretary-Treasurer (headsec@xraydeep.org ) Joel Bregman, Vice Chair (jbregman@umich.edu) Mitch Begelman, Past Chair (mitch@jila.colorado.edu) Jack Hughes ( jph@physics.rutgers.edu ) Frits Paerels ( frits@astro.columbia.edu ) Belinda Wilkes ( belinda@head.cfa.harvard.edu ) Megan Watzke, Press Officer (mwatzke@cfa.harvard.edu) Rosanne DiStefano (rdistefano@cfa.harvard.edu) Stephen Reynolds ( reynolds@ncsu.edu) Jan Vrtilek (jvrtilek@cfa.harvard.edu)
HEADNEWS, the electronic newsletter of the High Energy Astrophysics Division of the American Astronomical Society, is issued twice yearly by the HEAD Secretary-Treasurer. The HEAD Executive Committee Members are: